Thou shalt insult the convert? This article is devoted to educating Jews about comments that are hurtful to converts – comments that no convert
Does MT prohibit converts from positions of authority? Q. Mishneh Torah forbids putting converts in any position of authority, including overseeing conversions. This is found
Does Dor Deah encourage ‘jihad’? Q. I demand an explanation about this: Sefer Shoftim, Hilkhoth Mamrim (Laws of Rebels), Chap. 3, Halakhoth 1 and
Can we learn from other outreach organizations? Does it not make sense for Dor Deah to learn from the success of other Jewish outreach movements such
Does Dor Deah have a yeshiva? Is there a Dor Deah yeshiva to train rabbis in Dor Deah hashkafa, the Dor Deah approach to
What effort is Dor Deah making to establish a worldwide community? Q. I appreciate much of what Dor Deah stands for, and feel that it’s necessary for this movement
What We Believe: IDOLATRY PROHIBITION OF IDOLATRY איסור עבודה זרה | Issur ‘Avoda Zara 1) The essence of the commandment against idolatry is
What We Believe: GOD SINGULARITY OF G-D יחוד השם | Yihud HaShem 1) He is incomparable to anything in creation.
Foundations: PROHIBITION OF IDOLATRY Your introduction to the Faith of Israel – the fulfillment of the faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all
Foundations: SINGULARITY OF GOD Your introduction to the Faith of Israel – the fulfillment of the faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all