Justifying silly statements in the Talmud


I would like to start out by saying that the vast majority of statements considered horrific and shocking in the Talmud or other rabbinic literature are 9 out of 10 times either misquoted or taken completely out of context.

First of all the word “Goy” does not mean Cattle, as some very creative non Jews may of thought, it means “Nation” (Goyim=Nations).

In Torah we even seen that Israel is called a Goy Kadosh (a holy nation). ~Exodus 19:6

Also about 80% of the quotes made as deriving from the Talmud are NOT from the Talmud, but from other books written by Rabbis. 

The Gentile of old

One has to understand that Gentile (Nocrhi/Akum) in a Mishnaic Rabbinical context reffered to an Idol worshiper which by the definition of his or her philosophy made them immoral. (Exceptions aside)

People who if they existed today’s modern day would also be labeled barbaric and ethically primitive by Christians and Muslims.


The Righteous Gentile

These statements in no way are ever referring to Righteous gentiles which according to Jewish law we have an obligation to protect.

The simple fact that a non Jew could become a full Jew by conversion teaches us that if any hatred of the Idolatrous non Jewish world existed in rabbinical literature it is solely for their actions and not because of their genetic make up.

 The Authority of Rabbinic statements 

Jews do not consider ANY rabbinic statement found outside of the Torah divinely inspired (Sanction by the Almighty) and only rabbinical rulings made by the Great Court (the Sanhedrin) as practically authoritative outside of the words found in Torah itself. ~ Deut 17


SO, are there silly (non Halachic) statments found in the Talmud, yes.. (considered Midrash or Agadata) and Jews bound to accept these statements as true or authoritative. no.

Do jews accept those statemnts as anything other than one Rabbis opnions, no.

Although like we said that rulings or statements that deal with actual laws (Halacha), (how things are done) how do you keep shabbat, Yom kippur ie agian Halacha.. Jews do have an obligation form the Torah to obey and keep those words/rulings ~ Deut 17.


As Shmu’el ha-Nagid explained:


Everything mentioned in the Gemara [Talmud] that does not directly deal with the act of fulfilling the commandments is termed agadata […] It is important to know that all matters which our Sages established as law, in connection with the commandment transmitted by Moshe Rabbenu [Moses our teacher] who received it from the Almighty, cannot be augmented or diminished in any way.  HOWEVER, the aggadic explanations they rendered of biblical verses were in accordance with their INDIVIDUAL VIEWS and the ideas WHICH OCCURRED to them. […] we SHOULD NOT build upon them.”



R’ Asher Meza

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUEKUPEAlmk   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsRjpt_vlDc




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