Interlinear Humash (Law of Moses; Hebrew/ English)
Hirsch Humash (rational traditional commentary to the Torah)
A Reader’s Hebrew Bible (Great for immersion in Biblical Hebrew)
(CAUTION: The publishers are a Christian company. Their other books are not kosher.)
By eliminating the need to look up definitions, the footnotes allow the user to read the Hebrew and Aramaic text more quickly, focusing on parsing and grammatical issues. A Reader’s Hebrew Bible offers the following features:
* Complete text of the Hebrew and Aramaic Bible using the Leningrad Codex (minus critical apparatus)
* Shaded Hebrew names that occur less than 100 times
* Footnoted definitions of all Hebrew words occurring 100 times or less (twenty-five or less for Aramaic words)
* Context-specific glosses
* Stem-specific glossed definitions for verb forms (Qal, Piel, Hiphil, and so forth)
* Ketib/Qere readings both noted in the text and differentiated appropriately
* Marker ribbon
* Shaded Hebrew names that occur less than 100 times
* Footnoted definitions of all Hebrew words occurring 100 times or less (twenty-five or less for Aramaic words)
* Context-specific glosses
* Stem-specific glossed definitions for verb forms (Qal, Piel, Hiphil, and so forth)
* Ketib/Qere readings both noted in the text and differentiated appropriately
* Marker ribbon
Tanakh (Hebrew/English Bible)
Tanakh (Hebrew/English; online; free)
MISHNE TORAH PROJECT BOOKSTORE: https://www.mishnetorah.com//shop/?lang=en
Entire English Mishne Torah (28 volumes)
Entire English Mishne Torah (free; online)
SEFER HA-MITZVOT: The 613 Commandments (free; online)
Mishne Torah: Foundations of the Torah
Mishne Torah: Laws of Repentance
Maimonides’ Commentary to Pirkei Avot; The 8 Chapters; 13 Principles of Faith (1 Volume)
Maimonides’ “Introduction to the Talmud” (same as the “Intro. to the Mishna”)
Zvi Lampel http://www.amazon.co.uk/Maimonides-Introduction-Talmud-Translation-Commentary/dp/1880582287/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&;ie=UTF8&qid=1339005130&sr=1-2
Maimonides “Introduction to to the Mishna”
Fred Rosner http://www.amazon.co.uk/Maimonides-Introduction-His-Commentary-Mishnah/dp/1568212410/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&;ie=UTF8&qid=1339005130&sr=1-3
Sefer ha-Mitzvot
Maimonides (Hebrew; Online) http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/mahshevt/hamitsvot/shaar-2.htm
Epistles of Maimoinides
Selected Letters of Maimonides
Guide For The Perplexed (all in one volume)
Guide For The Perplexed Vol. 1
Maimonidies http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Perplexed-Vol-1/dp/0226502309/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&;ie=UTF8&qid=1339002710&sr=1-4
Guide For The Perplexed Vol. 2
Maimonides http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Perplexed-Vol-2/dp/0226502317/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&;ie=UTF8&qid=1339002710&sr=1-5
Guide To Serving God
R’ Abraham son of Maimonides http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Serving-Torah-Classics-Library/dp/1583309810/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&;ie=UTF8&qid=1339004053&sr=1-1
Wars Of The Lord
R’ Abraham son of Maimonides http://www.amazon.com/Abraham-Maimonides-Wars-Maimonidean-Controversy/dp/B000H0TZS6/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&;ie=UTF8&qid=1339004699&sr=1-1
Beliefs & Opinions (Amazon)
Saadya Gaon http://www.amazon.com/Saadia-Gaon-Beliefs-Opinions-Judaica/dp/0300044909/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&;ie=UTF8&qid=1339003574&sr=1-1
Beliefs & Opinions (B&N)
Beliefs & Opinions Abridged (B&N)
Saadia Gaon’s Commentary To The Book Of Creation (B&N)
Duties of the Heart (English)
Bahyah ben Yosef ibn Paquda http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/book-of-direction-to-the-duties-of-the-heart-bahya-ben-joseph-ibn-pakuda/1006569268?ean=9781904113232
Duties of the Heart (Hebrew / English)
Bahyah ben Yoseph ibn Paquda http://www.amazon.com/Duties-heart-Bahya-Joseph-Pakuda/dp/1892692015/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&;qid=1339002473&sr=8-1
The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity
Hyam MacCoby http://www.amazon.com/Mythmaker-Paul-Invention-Christianity/dp/0760707871/ref=sr_1_2/104-1841315-4896764?ie=UTF8&;amp;s=books&qid=1182184819&sr=8-2
From Jesus to Paul: Studies in Honour of Francis Wright Beare
Peter Richardson http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Paul-Peter-Richardson/dp/0889201382/ref=sr_1_4/104-1841315-4896764?ie=UTF8&;amp;s=books&qid=1182185024&sr=1-4
Those Incredible Christians